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I am Melissa A. Mitchell, a self-taught artist, designer, visionary, and CEO. As I continue to evolve as a creative, I have found intrinsic value in waiting patiently. Back in 2019, I had a vision that I would have an Athleisure collection sold and distributed globally. I scribbled down the letters ABL and “a better life” on a post-it and in my journal.  When I got the call to submit this collection, I knew it was time for the global debut of A Better Life by Abeille™ .


While I am still Abeille Creations, this new venture has truly stretched my faith and my artistic bandwidth in innovative ways. During meditation, the scripture John 10:10 stood out to me that says, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." That is the basis and at the very core of who I am as a designer, artist, and dreamer. My goal is to not only see my designs worn globally, but to inspire people to dream big and know that they can manifest anything they truly desire. Once you decide to run towards your goals daily, you can truly live a better life.


As you wear any piece from this collection, know that you will be clothed in answered prayers and divine favor. Everything I create, comes from everything within me. If you take nothing else from this encounter, know that your dreams are attainable, and you are exactly where you need to be. It is up to you to run towards the possibilities of a better life. Today just might be the day that you change your life for the better, forever. Thank you for being a part of my manifested dream.



Exclusive  Collection

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The ABL Dream Team 

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